In the intricate dance of life, our health harmonizes with the rhythms of nature. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) weaves a fascinating narrative about how the foods we consume can influence our well-being. Enter the Five Elements Theory, a culinary compass that guides us toward balance and vitality. Understanding the Five Elements Imagine a symphony where […]
How kinesiology can help with anxiety
Anxiety is a common mental health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including worry, nervousness, restlessness, and physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension. There are many different treatments available for anxiety, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Kinesiology is a complementary therapy that can […]
Role of Plasmolifting in Dental Treatment
The most common causes for dental care requests are gum disease, bad breath, bleeding, and tooth movement and these diseases are collectively known as periodontal diseases. This is called that periodontal disease lowers a person’s quality of life and that is very true. In several medical fields, including dermatology, trichology, gynecology, cosmetology, urology, orthopedics, neurology, […]
TimeWaver Therapy is a Revolution in the World of Healthcare
Brief History The brightest minds in psychology, physics, and biology collaborated on research on quantum physics and its connection to human consciousness at the close of the 19th century. Some of their fresh perceptions were revolutionary. They came to the realization that information—not matter—is what reality truly is. It was thought that quantum processes formed […]
Common Misconceptions About Plasmolifting
If you’re frustrated by an injury that hasn’t responded to traditional treatments, you may benefit from plasmolifting. Do you know what the good thing is? This treatment uses your body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to regenerate damaged cells and tissues. This therapy can help relieve chronic pain, restore mobility, and give you the chance to […]
How Do Kinesiologists Contribute to Successful Injury Recovery?
After injury, most of the time, muscles may become weakened and even “turn off.” This means that the muscle will stop doing its normal job. Sometimes, they will have to compensate to perform normal body activities and functions and this can cause even more pain due to muscle strain. Exercising with damaged muscle does not […]
Improve Your Life Quality with Far Infrared Sauna and Zen Essence Yoga
Saunas are relaxing, rejuvenating, and can even feel a little indulgent. A regular sauna routine is a very pleasurable way to enhance our health and live a life with quality. This is an ancient method of detoxifying and healing the body that has been used by people around the world for thousands of years. A […]
Understand How Plasmolifting and Traumatology Can Make Your Life Better?
Injuries and excessive physical activity can lead to damage to joints, tendons, and muscle fibers. The introduction of prepared auto-plasma into the affected area facilitates the restoration of the locomotor system, and the return of the motor properties of the joints. Plasmolifting in traumatology makes it possible to accelerate rehabilitation after injuries and surgical interventions. […]
Are Skin Problems Linked to Mental Disorders and Can be Corrected with Mental Health Treatment?
There are a variety of skin problems and in recent years, mental health professionals have started to discover the relationship between skin disorders and mental health problems. The informal name for this new explored thing is psychodermatology. It has been observed in some cases that mental disorders produce harmful effects on the skin including children. […]
Signs and How to Recover from the Relational Trauma
Many reasons may be there that can cause relational trauma – may be ignorance from any relation or childhood mistreatment. Ongoing trauma may be resulted from inconsistency in attachments to a parent or a caregiver. But do you know?, later in life, it can be destructive and cause difficulties in making any healthy relationship. Therapies […]