Zen Essence Yoga classes London

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Zen Essence Yoga is a communication and interaction system built on the fusion of the primary paths of self-realisation and self-development.

These paths are commonly known as:

  • Jnana Yoga: Philosophy-based yoga is known as Jnana Yoga.
  • Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga is a type of devotional yoga.Control of mental fluctuations through Raja Yoga is the principle that lies in Devotional Yoga.
  • Kriya Yoga: The yoga of chanting and adoration is called Kriya Yoga.
  • Karma Yoga: It is the yoga of selfless service to others.
  • Hatha Yoga: Hatha Yoga is the discipline of physical and mental control.

Zen Essence Yoga combines the knowledge and wisdom of these various disciplines from various cultures with modern western science to generate a common place between these. The fundamental principles of energy and movement that serve as the cornerstone of our daily lives are what it aims to impart.

We provide Zen Essence Yoga classes in order to re-connect you with your true self. The work entails a variety of physical activities and movements, including:

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Zen Essence Yoga classes London
  • Excess energy is released through meditative breathing and visualisation, which also enhances focus, physical coordination, sensitivity, and stamina.
  • Development of life-force energy in the body and nervous system reeducation
  • Retraining of the neurological system and enhancement of the body’s life-force energy
  • Practising activities that realign the body and balance physiological and psychological imbalances
  • Examining the origin or driving force behind movement and how it manifests in everyday communication
  • Re-balancing and diagnosis of the human aura
  • Exercises for chakras re-balancing
  • Healing using sound (voice harmonics, breathing vibrations)
  • Recognizing the fundamental principles of motion (geometry, gravity, opposing forces), which form the basis of our crystal body.

So, nothing can beat the positive energy that you gain from attending our Zen Essence Yoga classes in London. You will realise how making Zen Essence Yoga a habit changes your life positively and you will feel a real relaxation in your body.