Far Infrared Sauna London

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Today’s lifestyle exposes us to toxins and pollutants in everything from the food we eat to the water we drink. Five key organs in our body—the lungs, liver, intestines/colon, skin, and kidneys—are responsible for eliminating these contaminants. The skin is the greatest of these five organs and has the ability to sweat off pollutants. Our far infrared sauna cabin allows for a comfortable atmosphere for our bodies to efficiently eliminate toxins.

All of the beneficial thermal effects of natural sunshine are replicated in a far infrared sauna without any of the risky side effects. The electromagnetic radiation known as infrared radiation has a wavelength that is longer than microwaves but higher than visible light. This radiation has the power to penetrate deep into your skin and raise your internal body temperature, causing you to sweat more heavily.

Similar to how sunlight naturally warms the body, infrared heaters do the same. The impact is mimicked and amplified by infrared emitters in the sauna. This form of energy enters the body and improves circulation while nourishing damaged tissue.

Resonant absorption makes the water in our cells vibrate when it is taken in by the body. When the frequency of the far infrared and the frequency of the water in the cell coincide, this vibration happens. When a cell vibrates, the toxins inside are released into the bloodstream and eliminated through sweat, urine, and faeces. Our metabolism also increases. Toxins are introduced into the bloodstream through this process, where they are processed by the liver and eliminated through sweat.

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far infrared sauna

Far Infrared sauna £45 per session | £225 for a package of 6

The benefits of an Infrared Sauna:

  • Relieves stiffness and pain
  • Improves immunity
  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Stress reduction
  • Improves skin form

Nothing compares to a 30-minute sauna sweat session. Afterward, you’ll feel more at ease and rested, and the heat will assist in soothing tight muscles and enhancing your general health and wellbeing.